Before the update — Videofix

Greg Ortega
4 min readDec 12, 2016


As I plan to document the journey through the development of my video editing application, and I just released a big update for Videofix, I think it is time for another update.

My previous post showed a small overview of where the app was, in terms of downloads and active users until the end of July 2016. And over the last 4 months, completely unexpected, the app started to get more and more downloads. I am currently attributing this to Appstore optimisation, translations and nice screenshots of the app, but I am still not entirely sure :D

As a result, a publishing website discovered my app’s increasing downloads through an analytics software, and asked if they could feature the app on their site, in the section of best of lists. Of course I said yes!, why would I choose not to? I quickly asked if there was going to be some kind of payment behind this publication, and they kindly replied that it was up to the developer. So I decided that they could list my app in their publication, but I was in no position to spend any money on a marketing campaign. The app was listed in the 5th place for the list of best video editing apps for iPhone. This was definitely a good sign, and it lifted my spirits about the work and effort I had put into this app.

Even though the app was listed by App Pickers, I think most of the downloads until now have been organic. I could not see any more than 80 direct downloads from AppPickers as a download source. Maybe some readers might have seen the list and went directly to the Appstore, but I doubt this is the case for the huge number of downloads that came after that.

This is the latest overview.

That’s a very impressive crash rate, right?. Not :( All jokes aside, and crashes aside. I am very happy and excited about these numbers, except for the crashes, but those will be fixed soon. And in regards to the usage numbers, keep in mind that the weekly average is affected by the date range in the overview. Given that during the first 4 months the number of downloads are very low compared to now. So the weekly and daily average is much higher than what it is shown, but I like to see the spread across the whole time the app has been live in the Appstore.

The interesting part is that most of the downloads come from South America, maybe it has something to do with the Spanish translation. I am not really sure, if anyone has any insights into this market please get in touch.

Over 25,000 videos have been exported with Videofix, and I hope a lot more will be exported in the future. Now, the main reason for this post is to record the current stats before the data from the next update starts to come in.

The update 1.0.5 to Videofix includes big changes to the editing interface and some really nice color grading filters.

1.0.5 Updates:

  • New app icon
  • New editing interface. Single videos are now edited in a separate screen to make emphasis on the change between the preview of the project, and editing a single video
  • New color editing filters. White point balance and exposure
  • New interface for editing text labels
  • In app purchases
  • Opt in video ads to try in app purchases
  • Bug fixes
  • New Appstore screenshots

Yes, I added some form of ads to the application and in-app purchases. I added a single banner ad 2 months ago, and now I am adding video ads in exchange for trying out the features of some in app purchases. The reason behind this change, is to cover some of the costs of development and hopefully make some profit in the end. However, I don’t like the idea of annoying users with advertisement, or locking them out of the paid features, that’s why I added optional video ads, to give users a chance to still use the whole functionality of the app without forcing them to pay. I think that the freemium model is the best way to achieve that balance between free and fully paid.

Even though I did not get to fix all the bugs, or add all the features I wanted in this update, I hope to keep working on Videofix over the coming months, and add some of the features that I mentioned in my previous post, which I did not have time to implement.

If you like this update and you like my app please share this post and the app with your friends, and maybe even leave a review :) and don’t forget to hit the ♥ button.



Greg Ortega

iOS developer, I work full time for an agency based in Sydney, and make my own apps under Appzation. I’m a photographer, when I feel like it ;)